Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Free Trade And International Trade - 1374 Words

Free trade occurs when there are no artificial blockades put in place by governments to restrict the flow of goods and services between trading countries. When trade barriers, such as tariffs and subsidies are put in place, they protect domestic producers from international competition and redirect, rather than create trade flows. This results in less productivity and competition. Free Trade promotes international trade, multilateralism, and the development of lesser-developed nations and increases the standard of living. American opulence rests on the framework of global trade. Free trade guidelines have created a level of contest in today s open market that produces persistent innovation and leads to better commodities, better-paying†¦show more content†¦The destruction created by these protectionist tariffs led succeeding U.S. administrations to support free trade after World War II. Americans today do not sew their own clothes, grow their own food, build their own houses , or buy only products made in their own states. It would simply cost too much, since Americans can acquire such items on the open market with comparative comfort and usually for cheaper prices. It makes economic sense to buy a product from another who specializes in such production or who can make it more easily or for less cost. This does mean that your local producers will have to compete with international competition and job protection is not granted. Free trade encourages competition, spurring companies to innovate and develop better products and to bring more of their goods and services to market, keeping prices low and quality high in order to retain or increase their market share. Since companies must compete with their overseas counterparts, American firms can take note of all the successes as well as the failures that take place in the global marketplace. Free trade also spurs innovation. The U.S. market has demonstrated repeatedly, particularly over the last decade, that competition leads to increasing innovation. This is unmistakable, for example, in the intense competition to create the latest personal computer at the lowest cost. In fact, AmericaShow MoreRelatedFree Trade And International Trade1382 Words   |  6 PagesAnalytical Essay 1 Free trade occurs when there are no artificial blockades put in place by governments to restrict the flow of goods and services between trading countries. When trade barriers, such as tariffs and subsidies are put in place, they protect domestic producers from international competition and redirect, rather than create trade flows. This results in less productivity and competition. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Coca Cola s Anti Obesity Advertisement - 1307 Words

The main purpose of large corporations like Coca Cola, or any corporations for that matter, is to sell. The public knows that, or so it claims. Does it completely understand that when it complains that Coca Cola’s advertising doesn’t reveal the entire story? Companies in this century have to do anything possible to sell the product, especially with all of the new nutritional information. Ideally, lying to the consumers would not occur, but companies must make a living somehow. However, even though so much evidence against any health benefits of Coca Cola have come out, the company really should not be marketing to the point where the advertisement is on the border of being propaganda versus persuasion. A YouTube video by the name of†¦show more content†¦What can be taken from these two articles together in conjunction with the YouTube videos is that advertising is a means to sell a product, not to inform the public of anything. It is, in a sense, propaganda. The first piece of evidence to take into account is the original advertisement by Coca Cola. The general idea of the ad is promoting Coca Cola’s new initiative to help stop diabetes. The video makes several points, including the new drinks that have little to no calories and smaller versions of popular sodas. The narrator also lightly touches on how Coca Cola has worked with schools to lower the amount of products sold there (Marketsmith Inc.). At first view, the advertisement seems to be a very positive one with a great message. Looking back over it however, it is easy to notice the fallacies throughout. Coca Cola states that the company is fighting to stop diabetes, but common knowledge suggests that drinking sodas or any form of empty calories is a large contributor to the disease. The commercial then goes on to state that 180 out of over 680 drinks have low calories or none at all. The number seems high until it processes that the amount of drinks with low calories is bare ly a quarter of the total amount of drinks Coca Cola has to offer. That’s not much. It may not seem like such a big deal that Coca Cola is withholding some information from viewers. People do that all the time when they meet new people. The problem is that

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Comment on Shakespeare’s portrayal of Othello Free Essays

In Shakespeare’s time black people were classed as second-class citizens. They were often looked at as devil-like and evil. This was, however, a stereotypical view, often accepted by the people of Shakespeare’s day. We will write a custom essay sample on Comment on Shakespeare’s portrayal of Othello or any similar topic only for you Order Now People looked at the Bible to show that black people were devil-like and evil. The Bible tells the story of Noah and the Ark. In the Ark it was forbidden to have children, as there would not be enough food. However, Ham, one of Noah’s sons, decided to disobey these rules, as he wanted to have the son who would be ruler of the world. When Noah found out and they returned to land, Noah banished Ham to Africa. Ham had committed sin and was evil and devil-like because he had disobeyed his father for his own self-interest, risking the lives of others in the Ark. As black people were said to have originated form Africa, where Ham was banished, they could be descendants of Ham, who was evil, and therefore black people were evil and devil-like too. Black people were also said to be over-sexed, unstable, irrational, suffer from fits, and be devil-like. In the prejudiced mind, Shakespeare presents Othello to match all of these stereotypical categories that black people were said to be. People with an open mind, however, can simply see that Othello is a man in love. In Act 4, Scene 1, line 40, Othello has a fit. This matches with the stereotypical view that back people have fits. However, Othello has a fit because he was in a rage. The reason being that he had become so disturbed by the stories of his beloved wife having been unfaithful. It is possible for anyone, white or black, to have a fit if they were as distressed as Othello was. Othello may be seen as over-sexed. He talks in a very passionate manner. Shakespeare presents Othello to have a glorified situation of his and Desdemona’s affection for each other. It is more likely; therefore, that Othello is infatuated in their love than over-sexed. The depth of his passionate language, in which you can see that his love is more than a hallucination, is shown throughout the beginning of the play. â€Å"Amen to that, sweet powers/ cannot speak enough of this content/ it stops me here: it is too much joy†(II i 188). Othello declares this after he and Desdemona are reunited after their journey to Cyprus. Othello is talking passionately to Desdemona, however, this does not immediately prove him of being over-sexed, it shows the love he is sharing with Desdemona. Othello could be seen as irrational when he kills Desdemona by smothering her, Act 5, Scene 2, and Line 85. Iago, however, is far more irrational then Othello ever could have be seen to be and Iago is white. Iago’s irrationality can be seen in one of his soliloquies. † I’ll have our Michael Cassio on the hip, / Abuse him to the Moor in the rank garb-/ For I fear Cassio with my night cap too-â€Å"(II i 286-288). Here Iago is saying how he believes his wife has been sleeping with Cassio, of which he has no verification. He says in effect that he wants Cassio dead. This shows Iago’s irrationality because he has no reason to have Cassio dead, or to even contemplate that he has slept with his wife. Iago provokes many deaths, without remorse, which shows that he has extreme irrationality. Being devil-like was another typical view people had of blacks. Othello while he is in a rage could be seen as devil-like. † Therefore confess thee freely of thy sin;/ For to deny each article with oath/ Cannot remove nor choke the strong conception/ That I do groan withal. Thou art to die† (V ii 54-56). Othello speaks these words to Desdemona before he murders her. Othello has no prove of her infidelity, except from what Iago has told him. Othello is in a huge rage as he is about to kill her and therefore could be seen as devil-like. Iago is also very devil-like, more than Othello and he is white. This contradicts the stereotypical view of black people in Shakespeare’s’ time. Act 5 Scene 2 Line 235 Iago kills his wife Emilia for speaking of Desdemona’s faithfulness, therefore showing Iago’s deceitfulness. Shakespeare cleverly presents Othello stereotypically, but also as a normal person. He could have done this to suit the different audiences, but he may have used these contradictions as a way of making people less prejudiced. Shakespeare thought carefully about the presentation of Othello’s character as it shows two sides of a black man. Othello is a great general who has also won the affections of a white woman. Shakespeare was not the first to have presented a black man on stage. But he was the first to have not presented that black character as beastly and ferocious. He presents a warrior with great passion. Othello’s language throughout the play is full of great passion. â€Å"All’s well now, sweeting; come away to bed†(II i 234). This is one example of Othello’s passion. At this point in Othello his passion is only towards Desdemona in a loving way. As Othello develops, Othello’s passion changes as he becomes wrapped in a passion of jealousy. Othello then becomes an uncontrollable, violent man. Othello never stops his passionate loving for Desdemona but feels it his duty to kill her before she breaks more men’s hearts. â€Å"Yet she must die, else she’ll betray more men†(V ii 6). Othello says these words to himself while Desdemona is sleeping, before he is about to smother her. At the beginning of Othello you would never have thought that anything could ever come between a couple bearing so much love for each other. However, all that was needed to break this loving couple apart was Iago, gently introducing ideas, mentioning, just little things like Cassio’s quick departures from Desdemona. â€Å"Cassio, my lord; No sure I cannot think it/ That he would steal away so guilty-like, / Seeing you coming.†(III iii 38-40). Iago keeps slipping in comments about Desdemona, until Othello becomes so caught up with jealousy that he is convinced of his wife’s unfaithfulness. As Othello has so much passion, his anger is brewed into a huge mental tornado, which takes time to build up, but when at full strength can destroy even what seem like the strongest things, Othello and Desdemona’s marriage, and resulting in the death of Desdemona. How to cite Comment on Shakespeare’s portrayal of Othello, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Process Of Internal And External Legitimacy - MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Process Of Internal And External Legitimacy. Answer: A leader is one who knows the way, shows the way and goes the way Leadership is not about the great explorers or CEOs of big companies while leaders are mainly responsible for guiding and leading people at middle and small levels for managing their work. A good leader needs to adopt certain strategies which could help its subordinates to know the best path to walk on, to get the clear understanding in relevance to the path through which expected outcomes could be accomplished. The most important is leader should be present with its subordinates in every situation and in the middle of task to guide them if they face any obstacle or glitch in the process. This builds up the confidence amongst the subordinates as well as it also helps the organization to acquire desired outcomes in an effective manner. Leadership is a wide approach which is categorised into three areas such as trait-based, situational and behavioural approach. With the help of these three approaches, leadership term could easily be evaluated and understood (Aaker Joachimsthaler, 2012). Trait based approach This theory focuses on individual leader and their perceptions. It also determines the personal values shared by great leaders. Following are certain traits which an individual can adopt and learn in order to increase its efficiency with passing time: Enterprising spirit: These are a set of characteristics which imitate the high level of efforts. High commands for attainment, aspiration, persistence, energy, etc. are certain elements of enterprising spirit (Allio, 2012). Loyalty: Loyalty is the honesty towards work and towards the teammates by leader. This builds up the confidence level of the leader as well as of its teammates on each other. This trait helps them to increase their efficiency in terms of accomplishment of the tasks. Integrity: It could be measured by an individuals actions and words. Leader should be on his words because the leader who promises but does not accomplish the same is not considered as a good leader (Bel, 2010). Self-confidence: This is the most crucial quality of a good leader as it helps the leader to tackle the obstacles raised during accomplishment of the task. Leader with self-confidence is sufficient enough to motivate its employees in terms of accomplish the desired targets. Knowledge: Leader should be knowledgeable enough about the company, industry and technical matters in which he works. This type of knowledge helps the leaders to spread awareness amongst its teammates as well as it is an essential tool in terms of increasing the organizational efficiency (Bolman Deal, 2014). Above mentioned traits have significant impact over the leadership approach as well as these elements prove that a leader with above traits fulfils such requirements i.e. knows the way, goes the way and shows the way (Drori Honig, 2013). Behavioural approach This approach focuses on the actual performance of a leader rather focusing on the internal traits and capabilities of a leader. Following are three crucial categories of leadership behaviour: Task performance behaviour: These are the efforts put by the leader and its teammates in attainment of the organizational goals and the objectives. Under this category, behavioural focus is made on the increasing the work efficiency, accuracy of work, quantity to be delivered, adherence towards work, and quality (Northouse, 2015). Group maintenance behaviour: This is an important task for leaders as it helps the organization to attain better results from team work and such practices. For maintaining the connection amongst the team members along with developing interaction amongst them, team leader needs to adopt various strategies such as team get-togethers, team discussion, etc. This helps the teammates to exchange their views and better understating amongst each other gets developed. This shows the capability of a leader (Northouse, 2017). Participation in decision making process: Decision making process of leader shows its real qualities which can be classified in autocratic and a democratic leader. Autocratic type of leaders takes their own decision without taking suggestions from any one and without involving any one in the decision making process and then announces the decision over the team members. While democratic leadership takes suggestions from its team mates, studies the past performance attained, takes guidance from the management of the organization, and then takes the most accurate and effective decision for the benefit of the organization. Situational approach This approach differentiates amongst the leaders and the other persons on the basis of qualities, practices, behaviour, etc. Leaders regulate their decision-making, motivational approaches, and orientation based upon a unique mixture of factors in their individual conditions. These factors include: Followers characteristics; Projects type; Structure of organization; Influence of upper-level management; Personal preferences; and The style of leadership managed and moulded on the basis of managements requirements. Organizational learning approach It is the approach used for increasing the efficiency of the organization through transferring the knowledge amongst the different departments of the organization. With the passing time, an organization becomes capable enough to gain a certain amount of experience along with attaining the effective position in the market (Northouse, 2017). Examples for increasing the efficiency of organization may include ways to enhance the production efficiency or to develop beneficial investor dealings. Knowledge is created at four different units: individual, inter organizational, group, and organizational. With the help of learning curve, organizational learning could easily be measured. Learning curves shows the relationship between the organizational functionalities with production of goods and services. It increases the productivity, efficiency, reliability and the quality of the product along with diminishing outcomes. Due to organizational learning rates, learning curves vary. Learning rates of organization are affected by routines and procedures of coordination, improvements in structures, technological improvements in organizational premises, and by individual proficiency. Example of good leadership in organization Steve Jobs was one of the greatest leaders in the industry and his leadership style was also unique. His attitude towards work and towards his teammates was effective as well as efficient enough to extract the best work from them. With the help of his unique styles and strategies, he uplifted the Apple INC. Company to a next level. Following leadership attributes were adopted and implemented by Steve Jobs in his career to upgrade the companys effectiveness and the efficiency. This helps the company to become the most valuable and leader in the consumer electronic goods manufacturing industry (Gladewell, 2011). Coercive power: With the help of this attribute, Steve Jobs was able to influence the whole team over one decision in relation to attain the desired objectives for the organization. He was capable enough to show the right path to his teammates. Along with this, he was also able to direct them on the showed path through an effective way which could help them in upgrading their efficiency as well as it also leads to the attainment of personal objectives of leaders (Shah Mulla, 2013). Legitimate power: These powers are available with a higher level leader and these are also used for influencing and making all the employees of the organization agree on one decision finalised by the upper level management (Isaacson, 2012). Reward Power: He used to implement this technique to motivate their friends, employees and its partners to perform in the direction in which he wants. It was the unique quality of Steve Jobs which tuned him as the great leader, innovator as well as an effective manager who used to perform his duties for uplifting the organizational image in the competitive business environment. Rewarding an employee for his or her good performance is a good source to motivate them and it is useful resource to enhance the organizational as well as of the employees efficiency. Importance of leader Leader plays an important role in every aspect of the life. Leader is required at the society level, at organizational level as well as at the personal level. To guide a group of person in one direction, a good leader is required which could help the group to attain effective results as per the expectations. Initiates action: Leader initiates certain crucial actions which are required for acquiring the desired outcomes by considering the plans, policies, rules and regulations of performing the particular task. Motivation: It is the duty of a leader to motivate all members of the group at any level towards the work. He is responsible for getting the work done by subordinates through rewarding its teammates through economic and non-economic sources. From the aforesaid information, it can be concluded that leaders and their leadership styles are plays an important role for an organization, for society as well as at the personal level in order to attain something good and effective. This essay reiterates the leadership styles and various other aspects which are necessary for attaining the desired outcomes. The statement A leader is one who knows the way, shows the way and goes the way has been thoroughly studied and explained under this essay. References Aaker, D.A. Joachimsthaler, E., 2012, Simon and Schuster, Brand leadership. Allio, R.J., 2012, Leaders and leadershipmany theories, but what advice is reliable,Strategy Leadership,vol. 41 (1), pp.4-14. Bel, R., 2010, Leadership and innovation: Learning from the best,Global business and organizational excellence,vol. 29 (2), pp.47-60. Bolman, L. Deal, T., 2014, Leadership and management,Christian Youth Work in Theory and Practice: A Handbook, pp.245. Drori, I. Honig, B., 2013, A process model of internal and external legitimacy,Organization Studies,vol. 34 (3), pp.345-376. Gladewell, M., 2011, The real genius of Steve Jobs, The New Yorker. Isaacson, W., 2012, The real leadership lessons of Steve Jobs,Harvard business review,vol. 90 (4), pp.92-102. Northouse, P.G., 2015,Sage publications, Leadership: Theory and practice. Northouse, P.G., 2017,Sage Publications, Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice. Shah, T. Mulla, Z.R., 2013, Leader Motives, Impression Management, and Charisma: A Comparison of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates,Management and Labour Studies,vol. 38 (3), pp.155-184.